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 Gerard Butler Waves Goodbye After a Quick Trip to Italy!

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Gerard Butler Waves Goodbye After a Quick Trip to Italy! Empty
PostSubject: Gerard Butler Waves Goodbye After a Quick Trip to Italy!   Gerard Butler Waves Goodbye After a Quick Trip to Italy! Icon_minitimeThu Jul 13, 2017 3:20 am

Gerard Butler Waves Goodbye After a Quick Trip to Italy!

Gerard Butler is leaving Italy after a quick trip in town.

The 47-year-old actor was seen leaving the Albergo Della Regina Isabella, an upscale hotel, on Wednesday afternoon (July 12) in Lacco Ameno, Italy. He hopped on a boat and drove away after his short trip.

Gerard was in town to attend the Ischia Global Film and Music Fest, and was in attendance at a gala dinner for the festival this week.

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Gerard Butler Waves Goodbye After a Quick Trip to Italy!
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