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 Gerard Butler Suits Up in Ischia, Rides Scooter Around Town

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Gerard Butler Suits Up in Ischia, Rides Scooter Around Town Empty
PostSubject: Gerard Butler Suits Up in Ischia, Rides Scooter Around Town   Gerard Butler Suits Up in Ischia, Rides Scooter Around Town Icon_minitimeWed Jul 12, 2017 4:51 am

Gerard Butler Suits Up in Ischia, Rides Scooter Around Town

Gerard Butler suits up while attending a gala dinner during the 2017 Ischia Global Film & Music Fest on Monday night (July 10) in Ischia, Italy.

The 47-year-old actor was spotted arriving in town that afternoon via boat!

On Tuesday, Gerry was spotted wearing a helmet while riding a scooter around town.

“THIS IS SOFIA…and some of my friends!! Visiting my buddy @ArielVromen on his movie The Angel and it looks pretty amazing. Blown away by the stellar work he, @OriPfeffer and my old mate @TobyKebbel are doing,” Gerard captioned the below photo on Instagram.

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Gerard Butler Suits Up in Ischia, Rides Scooter Around Town
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