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 Gerard Butler Catches a Flight from Los Angeles to London

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Permanent Resident of the Home of the Sanely Insane

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Gerard Butler Catches a Flight from Los Angeles to London Empty
PostSubject: Gerard Butler Catches a Flight from Los Angeles to London   Gerard Butler Catches a Flight from Los Angeles to London Icon_minitimeTue Sep 12, 2017 3:52 am

Gerard Butler Catches a Flight from Los Angeles to London

Gerard Butler makes his way out of Heathrow Airport after landing in town on Monday (September 11) in London, England.

The 47-year-old actor was spotted the day before catching a flight out of Los Angeles.

Gerard‘s upcoming movie Geostorm is set to hit theaters on October 20 and amid the weather-related disasters in the U.S. this month, Warner Bros. made the decision to pull marketing materials from movie theaters.

“We want to be sensitive to everyone who are being and have been affected by the horrible storms, including families that may live in unaffected areas. That said, please pull the Geostorm one-sheet currently in theatres with the tag line ‘Brave the Storm.’ We will ship new one-sheets once the campaign has been modified,” the WB team wrote in a letter to movie theaters.
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Gerard Butler Catches a Flight from Los Angeles to London
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