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 Gerard Butler Signs Some Autographs for His Fans

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Permanent Resident of the Home of the Sanely Insane

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Gerard Butler Signs Some Autographs for His Fans Empty
PostSubject: Gerard Butler Signs Some Autographs for His Fans   Gerard Butler Signs Some Autographs for His Fans Icon_minitimeThu Sep 21, 2017 4:16 am

Gerard Butler Signs Some Autographs for His Fans

Gerard Butler made some time for his fans at the airport.

The 47-year-old actor was seen walking through LAX Airport on Tuesday afternoon (September 19) in Los Angeles and stopped to sign some autographs for his fans while heading through the terminal.

Last week, Gerard was spotted strolling on the beach with his on-again girlfriend Morgan Brown after rumors spread that they had split this summer.

See all the new photos of Gerard Butler in the gallery…

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Permanent Resident of the Home of the Sanely Insane

Number of posts : 13493
Registration date : 2008-11-06

Gerard Butler Signs Some Autographs for His Fans Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gerard Butler Signs Some Autographs for His Fans   Gerard Butler Signs Some Autographs for His Fans Icon_minitimeThu Sep 21, 2017 4:33 am

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Gerard Butler Signs Some Autographs for His Fans
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