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 Gerard Butler Goes Incognito on Crowded Beach in Spain

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Gerard Butler Goes Incognito on Crowded Beach in Spain Empty
PostSubject: Gerard Butler Goes Incognito on Crowded Beach in Spain   Gerard Butler Goes Incognito on Crowded Beach in Spain Icon_minitimeFri Jul 21, 2017 1:12 am

Gerard Butler Goes Incognito on Crowded Beach in Spain

Gerard Butler continues to enjoy his time off with friends.

The 47-year-old actor was spotted lounging on the beach and taking a scenic boat during vacation on Thursday (July 20) in Formentera, Spain.

Gerard‘s next film is titled A Family Man, and we recently debuted an exclusive, first look clip from the movie!

It also stars Alison Brie and Max Jenkins, so be sure to catch it in theaters on July 28!

45+ pictures inside of Gerard Butler enjoying his vacation in Spain…

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Gerard Butler Goes Incognito on Crowded Beach in Spain
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